Finish it up!  If you'd like to know your grade for the 2nd six weeks report card, do this:

1) Go to your Grade Book link.

2) Take your total number of points and divide by 600.  Then times that number by 100.

3) That will give you your report card grade. Message me to verify if this agrees with my own calculations.

4) Once you've done that you can move ahead in RS.  Once enough people have messaged me, I will open up the next module.  This next six weeks is going to move fast!

Turn in the rest of your RS!

Turn in your Speaking Activity!

The end.


Take your quiz today!

Tomorrow you should turn in your last few lessons of RS and your Speaking Activity.

Aaaaand Happy Birthday to my sweet Georgia Kate who was born two year ago today in Antigua, Guatemala!  Is she the cutest thing or what?

Also, if you want a video that will BLOW YOUR MIND, message me.

Let's do this!  Report cards grades are sent out this FRIDAY!  Only five more days to finish up the six weeks.  :)

Here's what you should do:
1) Study a few minutes for your vocabulary quiz.  You can look at the class glossary for common words in this unit of RS that you might see. 
The quiz is tomorrow.
2) Finish RS!! (Due Wednesday)
3)  Record your voice for the speaking activity. (Due Wednesday)
4)  Post your Technology Use grade.

Happy Friday and Happy November!

1) Click on the Student of the Every Other Week to see who takes home the extra credit today.  

2) Finish up your Writing Assignment.  There is a BIG chance you are NOT done.  I am giving lots of feedback and offering lots of edits that you need to read and fix.  PLEASE take the time to go back and look at it today.

3) We only have ONE MORE WEEK before I turn in report card grades.  Make it count!  Look ahead to the assignments next week and what needs to be finished up.