Oh wow!  We blinked and then November was over! Since I missed naming our Student of the Every Other Week the Friday before Thanksgiving, I'm going to name TWO from both Spanish 1 and 2.  

Don't forget that these students earn TEN bonus points.  That's HUGE!  I'm so proud of these folks.  Here's who gets it and why...
Congratulations to Miguel Santana in Spanish 1 at Klondike HS.  Miguel has been a great student all year and finally deserves the acknowledgement.  Miguel has been getting high grades all year, but it's not just that which makes him stand out.  He pays attention to the details of the class, he asks question... he makes an effort that is above and beyond (especially since he speaks Spanish ;) ).  I always appreciate a native speaker that still tries to learn and grow!  (And also, I think his profile pic is suuuuuper cool.)

Raven Chapman from Mt. Calm has been AWESOME in Spanish 1.  Her Rosetta Stone work is outstanding.  She turns her work in on time and well.  For example, her writing assignment right before Thanksgiving was done perfectly because of her communication with me and her great effort.  I'm super proud of you, Raven, and I'm glad you're in my class.

Daniella Santos from O'Donnell HS is a shining jewel.   I really feel that Daniella was one of the few, top students this time around that gave 110% on the writing assignment.  She worked on it early (before Thanksgiving) and responded to my feedback several times.  And of course in the end she got it perfectly.  She's super responsible with Rosetta Stone and all her class work.  I also smile whenever I read a message from her, because she loves to type things in pretty fonts and pretty colors.  :)  

Kim Gallegos from Klondike HS has been a great student for the past year and a half.  She nailed this writing assignment recently, too.  She cares about her work and the class.  There are some people that I can feel how nice and warm they are even over the computer screen.  Kim is one of those people.  Also, I saw that it as your birthday right before Thanksgiving.  Happy Belated Birthday!!!!  :)