Please, please, please watch the video link.   WATCH IT PLEASE!  :)


Here's an overview of what it says:

1) Quiz tomorrow
2) Speaking Activity due Wednesday
3) Technology Use due Thursday
4) Module 2 is open, but you are NOT allowed to click on that until... util... until....WHAT?  Until you watch that video and find out! :)

PictureSam was doing so much Rosetta Stone work that his brain caught fire!!!
Did you get your glossary entry complete?
How's the Writing Assignment coming along? 
If you submit the writing as a "draft" only, I am happy to help you edit it and get the best grade possible!!
TODAY you must complete and submit your final three Rosetta Stone lessons.
Also, your Reading Assignment is due Friday, so get a look at that, too.

Did you have a good weekend?

Here's what's on tap for this week:

1.  Completing your Glossary Assignment
2.  Completing the entire unit of RS.
3.  Completing the Writing Activity  (Submit this as a draft before the deadline and I can helllllppp you)

Congratulations to our Student of the Every Other Week!!! 

Click on the tab at the top that says, "Student of the Every Other Week" (it's right next to the tab:
Contact) to find out if it's you!!  OORRR click to see if you know the person who received the honor this week.  Be nice and message her a congratulations.

Keep on with your work!  Things you might want to start thinking about are:
1) Finishing RS
2) Writing a draft of your Writing Assignment
3) Taking a look at the requirements for the Glossary Assignment.

TODAY you must complete your Grammar Lesson: Asking Questions.

Send me a crazy picture!!!  I can post them and you can laugh and we can have fun. 

Way to go on your Grammar Lesson yesterday!!  I hope that helped explain some things you've been seeing commonly in Rosetta Stone.

TODAY you must post Rosetta Stone Lessons 21 - 30.  Good luck!

PS - E-mail or text me a crazy picture of yourself and I'll use it on our News Feed.  :)  It'll be fun!!

You must complete the activity tiled: GRAMMAR LESSON: Spanish Basic Review TODAY. You should reserve most of the class period to complete it.  It will close at the end of the day today.
How was your weekend?  Did you do anything special?  Message me through the course site and I just may give a bonus point for talkin' with me.  :) 

Here's the line up for the week:

1) Keep working on Rosetta Stone.  The next ten lessons (21-30) are due on Wednesday, 9/18.

2) This week you will have your first grammar lessons.  These are FOR a grade and are a little like a quiz.  You'll have one on Tuesday and one on Thursday, so make sure you give yourself enough time to complete those in class.  You are only allowed to click and enter each lesson once, so make sure once you begin you can finish before the bell.  I would plan for about 20 minutes

Today is also the day your project is due!  Most of you are old hat at this and on track.  However, here are a few things to remember:

1) First complete the information chart about your historical person.  Make sure you are thorough and accurate.  Also, make sure the information is in your own words.

2) For part 2, you MUST COMPARE your historical person without someone you know.  You need to mention three specific, thoughtful things that are similar or different.  You need to really think deeply.

3)  For part 2, you must also place the information in a visual format.  This means using one of the following sites:
www.prezi.com, www.animoto.com, www.glogster.com  These are all great places to start.