Congratulations to Jesus Betancourt from Mt. Calm, our Spanish 1 Student of the Every Other Week! 
He has finished his first six weeks with a strong A, had a perfect Writing and Speaking activity this past two weeks, and had a 100% in all of his Rosetta Stone work. 
I'm proud of you!!!  Way to go and way to get the bonus points for winning this award.  :)

And way to go, Rachel Hall from Mt. Calm, for being named Student of the Every Other Week.  This girl is special!  She had some serious technical difficulties this year did NOT let it hold her back.  Despite the setback, she finished ALL of her Rosetta Stone with a 100%. And I'm not just talking about getting all the green checks, I'm talking about getting nearly all of her lessons completed with a 100%.  I rarely see that and it is special!!!  I'm so stinkin' proud of you, Rachel!!  Awesome job on finishing the six weeks with an A and for being named Student of the Week!!

Shelley Hall
10/4/2013 02:22:33 am

Way to go!!!


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